
10 Tips To Try When Power BI Transform Data Is Slow

checklists Jan 31, 2024
10 Tips To Try When Power BI Transform Data Is Slow
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Hi, I'm Tom Blessing. I'm an expert at helping small to mid-sized companies adopt Power BI. I'm also a recovering investment banker, with deep experience applying technology to otherwise manual data problems. I have dual degrees in Finance and Technology Management from Indiana University.

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The process of transforming data within Power BI can sometimes be slow, especially when working with large datasets.

Slow data transformation can hinder your workflow and analysis.

In this blog post, I'll explore common reasons for slow data transformation in Power BI and provide tips to improve performance.

Common Reasons for Slow Data Transformation in Power BI:

  1. Large Data Volumes: One of the primary reasons for slow data transformation is dealing with large volumes of data. As your dataset size increases, the transformation process becomes more time-consuming.

  2. Complex Data Transformations: Complex data transformations involving multiple steps, calculations, and merges can slow down the transformation process. These transformations often require significant computational resources.

  3. Inefficient Queries: Poorly optimized queries can result in slow data transformations. Power BI generates queries to fetch and transform data, and if these queries are not optimized, it can lead to performance issues.

  4. Resource Constraints: Your computer's hardware and available system resources, such as CPU, RAM, and disk speed, can impact data transformation speed. Inadequate resources can bottleneck the process.

  5. External Data Sources: Data transformation speed may also depend on the performance of external data sources, such as databases or web services. Slow connections to these sources can affect transformation times.

Tips for Improved Data Transformation Performance in Power BI:

  1. Data Model Optimization: Optimize your data model by removing unnecessary columns, tables, or data that you don't need for your analysis. Reducing the size of your dataset can significantly improve performance.

  2. Query Folding: Leverage query folding whenever possible. Query folding allows Power BI to push data transformation operations back to the data source, which can be more efficient than performing transformations within Power BI.

  3. Filter and Reduce Data: Use filters to reduce the amount of data being loaded and transformed. Applying filters at the source or using query folding can help you work with smaller datasets.

  4. Indexing: Ensure that your data source tables have appropriate indexes to speed up data retrieval and transformation. Consult your database administrator or data source documentation for guidance.

  5. Data Types: Use the most appropriate data types for your columns. Avoid unnecessary data type conversions, as they can slow down transformations.

  6. Step Reordering: In Power Query, you can reorder steps to optimize transformations. Place computationally intensive steps later in the process to minimize their impact on earlier, simpler operations.

  7. Parallelism: Power BI can perform some transformations in parallel. Configure the number of parallel queries in the Power Query options to maximize efficiency.

  8. Hardware Upgrade: If you frequently work with large datasets, consider upgrading your hardware, such as getting a faster CPU or adding more RAM, to improve data transformation speed.

  9. External Data Sources: For external data sources, work with your IT or database administrator to ensure that the source system is optimized for data retrieval and that the network connection is robust.

  10. Incremental Loading: Consider implementing incremental loading techniques, where only new or updated data is loaded and transformed, reducing the processing load on large datasets.


Slow data transformation can be a significant roadblock when working with Power BI, but with the right strategies and optimizations, you can significantly improve performance.

By reducing data volumes, optimizing data models, leveraging query folding, and taking advantage of Power Query's capabilities, you can streamline the data transformation process and ensure a smoother and more efficient experience with Power BI.


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