
Efficiency at Your Fingertips: Power BI Shortcut For New Measure

how-to Oct 06, 2023
Power BI Shortcut For New Measure

In Power BI, speed and efficiency are paramount.

Shortcuts are the secret weapon to supercharging your productivity.

Want to create a new measure swiftly? Let's learn how.


The Importance of Measures

Measures are where the magic happens. They allow for dynamic calculations, powering your insights.


Navigating the Traditional Route

Usually, you'd go:

  • 'Modeling' tab > 'New Measure'. But isn't there a quicker way?


Embrace the Shortcut

Here it is: Alt + H + M.

Pressing these keys simultaneously (or in quick succession) will pop up the 'New Measure' window.


The Benefits of Keyboard Shortcuts

Why rely on shortcuts?

  • Faster navigation.
  • Improved efficiency.
  • Less reliance on mouse clicks means a smoother workflow.


Exploring Further

Power BI is packed with shortcuts. Explore them! From visuals to formatting, shortcuts are everywhere.


Customize Your Workspace

Along with shortcuts, customize the Quick Access Toolbar. Place frequently used commands, like 'New Measure', right at the top.


Practice Makes Perfect

Initially, shortcuts might feel foreign. But practice them regularly, and they'll become second nature.


Stay Updated

Power BI is ever-evolving. New features often come with new shortcuts. Stay in the loop.



Harnessing shortcuts, like the one for creating a new measure, optimizes your Power BI experience. By cutting down on time-consuming manual navigation, you pave the way for a smoother, more intuitive data analytics journey. Dive deeper, work smarter, and unlock your Power BI prowess!

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