
Banish the Refresh Blues: What To Do When Power BI Refresh Is Not Working

how-to Oct 02, 2023
Banish the Refresh Blues

Hitting that 'Refresh' button in Power BI should be satisfying.

But what happens when it doesn’t work?

Let's uncover the common issues and their fixes.


Start with the Basics

Is your data source online and accessible?

Before diving deep, ensure the basics are covered.


Data Source Credentials

Are your credentials up-to-date?

Expired or changed passwords can halt that refresh.


Gateway Issues

Using on-premises data?

Ensure your gateway is online and updated. Use this guide if you're lost here.


Query Errors

Check for errors in your Power Query.

Sometimes, even a tiny glitch can disrupt the entire process.


Data Model Size

Working with a massive dataset?

Remember, there are limits to data model sizes depending on your license.



Long-running queries can cause timeouts.

Optimize your queries or consider increasing timeout settings.


Service or Server Issues

Using Power BI Service?

Sometimes, it's an issue on their end.

Check Microsoft's service health.


Scheduled Refresh Limit

Remember, there's a daily refresh limit.

Ensure you haven’t exceeded it.


Version Compatibility

Outdated Power BI Desktop version?

Update it!

Compatibility issues can hinder refreshing.


VPN and Network Restrictions

Some data sources might have network-specific access.

Ensure you’re connected to the right network or VPN.


Check Error Messages

Power BI is quite descriptive about errors.

Go through the error message; it often points you in the right direction.


Third-party Extensions

Using any third-party extensions or custom connectors?

They might need updates or might be causing conflicts.



A non-refreshing Power BI can be frustrating.

But with a systematic approach, you can pinpoint and resolve the issue.

Stay patient, stay methodical, and soon, you'll be back to analyzing your refreshed data!

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