
How To Use Power BI Decomposition Tree Word Wrap

how-to Nov 09, 2023
How To Use Power BI Decomposition Tree Word Wrap

One of Power BI's standout features is the Decomposition Tree visual, which enables users to drill down into their data and gain valuable insights.

However, until recently, you've faced a challenge when working with longer attribute names or labels in the Decomposition Tree visual.

This challenge is where the power of word wrap comes into play.

In this blog post, I'll explore the importance of word wrap in Power BI's Decomposition Tree visual, how to use it effectively, and why it's a game-changer for enhancing the readability and usability of your reports.

The Decomposition Tree Visual

Before jumping into the specifics of word wrap, let's briefly revisit the Decomposition Tree visual.

This visual is designed to help users explore hierarchical data, making it easier to understand and analyze complex relationships within a dataset.

You can use it to break down data into categories, subcategories, and individual items, all while maintaining a clear and interactive interface.

The Problem with Long Labels

When you have attribute names or labels that are longer than the available space in the Decomposition Tree visual, readability and usability can suffer.

The default behavior of the visual truncates long labels, making it difficult for users to understand the context of the data they are exploring.

This limitation can lead to frustration and hinder the effectiveness of your reports.

Word Wrap to the Rescue

Word wrap is a feature that allows you to display longer attribute names or labels in a visually appealing manner.

It automatically adjusts the text within a cell to fit the available space, ensuring that your data remains accessible and comprehensible.

Enabling word wrap can be a game-changer for your Power BI reports, especially when working with hierarchies or datasets with extensive attribute naming.

How to Enable Word Wrap in Power BI's Decomposition Tree Visual

Enabling word wrap in the Decomposition Tree visual is a straightforward process.

Here's how you can do it:

  1. Select the Decomposition Tree visual on your report canvas.

  2. In the Visualizations pane, expand the "Format" section.

  3. Scroll down to the "Word Wrap" option and toggle it to "On."

  4. Adjust the cell height and width as needed to ensure the best display of your data.

  5. You can also customize the font size and style to improve the overall readability.

Benefits of Word Wrap

  1. Improved Readability: Word wrap ensures that long attribute names or labels are displayed in their entirety, enhancing the readability of your reports.

  2. Enhanced User Experience: Users can now easily explore and understand hierarchical data without the frustration of truncated labels.

  3. Better Decision-Making: Clear and accessible data presentation empowers users to make more informed decisions based on a deeper understanding of their data.

  4. Professional Appearance: Well-organized reports with properly displayed labels convey professionalism and attention to detail.


Word wrap in Power BI's Decomposition Tree visual is a valuable tool that ensures your reports are both informative and user-friendly.

By enabling word wrap, you can significantly enhance the readability of your reports, improve the user experience, and drive better decision-making.

Don't let long attribute names hinder your data exploration.


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