
5 Steps To Build A Power BI Decomposition Tree Drill Through

how-to Nov 20, 2023
5 Steps To Build A Power BI Decomposition Tree Drill Through

One cool feature of Power BI is the Decomposition Tree visual, which provides an interactive way to explore data hierarchies and breakdowns.

In this blog post, we'll explore the concept of drill-through in Power BI Decomposition Trees and how it enables users to navigate through data hierarchies for in-depth analysis.

Understanding the Decomposition Tree Visual

The Decomposition Tree visual is designed to help users explore data hierarchies, analyze data breakdowns, and gain insights into complex relationships within their datasets. It is particularly useful for visualizing data with multiple dimensions, such as sales by product category, region, and time.

Key features of the Decomposition Tree visual include:

  1. Hierarchical Exploration: Users can select a data point, such as a specific product category, and break it down into its subcategories or components. This hierarchical exploration helps users understand the factors contributing to the selected data point.

  2. Interactive Filtering: Users can filter the data displayed in the Decomposition Tree by selecting specific elements or values. This feature makes it easy to focus on specific aspects of the data.

  3. Insights Generation: The visual generates insights, such as key influencers and outliers, to provide a deeper understanding of the data relationships.

  4. Customizable: The Decomposition Tree visual can be customized to match the user's preferences and the specific requirements of the report.

Drill-Through in Power BI Decomposition Trees

Drill-through is a powerful functionality in Power BI that allows users to navigate from one visual or page to another, providing a more detailed view of the data. When applied to the Decomposition Tree visual, drill-through enables users to access additional levels of data hierarchy and explore granular details.

Here's how to use drill-through in Power BI Decomposition Trees:

  1. Create a Drill-Through Page: Start by creating a new page in your Power BI report, specifically for drill-through details. This page will serve as the destination when users click on a data point in the Decomposition Tree visual.

  2. Define Drill-Through Fields: In the Drill-Through page, specify the fields you want to use for drilling through. These fields should represent the hierarchy levels you want users to explore.

  3. Enable Drill-Through in Decomposition Tree: Go back to the original page containing the Decomposition Tree visual. Right-click on the Decomposition Tree visual and select "Enable drill-through." Choose the Drill-Through page you created earlier.

  4. Configure Drill-Through Fields: In the Decomposition Tree visual settings, configure the fields that will be used for drill-through. Typically, these fields will be the same as those defined in the Drill-Through page.

  5. Test Drill-Through: When you view your report, you can now click on data points in the Decomposition Tree visual. This action will take you to the Drill-Through page, displaying detailed information based on the selected data point.

Benefits of Drill-Through in Power BI Decomposition Trees

  1. In-Depth Analysis: Drill-through allows users to perform detailed analysis by navigating through data hierarchies, making it easier to uncover insights and trends.

  2. User-Friendly: Users can intuitively explore data without the need for complex filtering or slicing, enhancing the user experience.

  3. Customization: Drill-through can be customized to include relevant fields and visuals, ensuring that users get the most valuable information.

  4. Efficiency: Drill-through streamlines the analysis process by eliminating the need to create multiple visuals or filter combinations manually.


Drill-through functionality in Power BI Decomposition Trees empowers users to delve deeper into their data, explore hierarchical structures, and gain valuable insights with ease. By incorporating this feature into your reports, you can provide an interactive and informative experience for your audience.

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