
Mastering DAX in Power BI: ConcatenateX with Distinct Values

how-to Nov 14, 2023
Mastering DAX in Power BI: ConcatenateX with Distinct Values

Data Analysis Expressions (DAX), a formula language in Power BI, allows you to perform complex calculations and manipulations on your data.

One common task is concatenating distinct values from a column into a single string.

In this blog post, we'll explore how to achieve this using the ConcatenateX function with distinct values in Power BI, enabling you to create informative and structured reports.

The Power of ConcatenateX

ConcatenateX is a DAX function in Power BI that allows you to concatenate values from a column into a single text string.

This function is often used to create summary text, labels, or descriptions in your reports.

By incorporating distinct values, you ensure that each value appears only once in the concatenated result.

ConcatenateX Syntax

The syntax for ConcatenateX is as follows:

CONCATENATEX(<Table>, <Expression>, [<Delimiter>], [<Order>], [<Filter>])
  • <Table>: The table from which you want to retrieve values.
  • <Expression>: The expression that defines the values you want to concatenate.
  • [<Delimiter>] (optional): The separator between concatenated values.
  • [<Order>] (optional): Specifies the order in which values are concatenated.
  • [<Filter>] (optional): Allows you to apply a filter to the values to be concatenated.

Concatenating Distinct Values

To concatenate distinct values from a column using ConcatenateX, follow these steps:

  1. Create a New Measure: In Power BI Desktop, go to the "Model" view and select the table containing the column with the values you want to concatenate. Right-click on the table and choose "New Measure."

  2. Write the DAX Expression: In the formula bar, write a DAX expression using ConcatenateX to concatenate distinct values from the desired column. Here's an example:

    Concatenate Distinct Values = CONCATENATEX(VALUES('Table'[Column]), 'Table'[Column], ", ")
    • 'Table'[Column] represents the column from which you want to retrieve values.
    • ", " specifies the separator between concatenated values (a comma and a space in this case).
  3. Use the Measure in Visuals: Once you've created the measure, you can use it in your visuals. Drag and drop the measure into a card, table, or any other visualization to display the concatenated distinct values.

Benefits of Concatenating Distinct Values

  1. Improved Data Presentation: Concatenating distinct values allows you to present data in a structured and concise manner, enhancing the readability of your reports.

  2. Data Summary: Create summary labels or descriptions that provide valuable insights to report users.

  3. Enhanced Filtering: The use of distinct values ensures that each value is considered only once, which can be crucial for accurate filtering in your reports.

  4. Custom Labels: Customize labels or tags based on the unique values in your data.


Concatenating distinct values using ConcatenateX in Power BI is a powerful technique that allows you to create informative and structured reports.

By following the steps outlined in this guide and customizing the DAX expression to fit your specific needs, you can present your data in a more meaningful and organized manner, ultimately enhancing the effectiveness of your reports and dashboards.


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