
Power BI Clear All Slicers: Do You Know How?

how-to Nov 03, 2023
Power BI Clear All Slicers: Do You Know How?

One of the key features in Power BI is slicers, which enable users to filter and interact with their data dynamically.

While slicers are incredibly useful, there may be times when you want to clear all slicer selections and start fresh.

In this blog post, I'll walk you through the process of clearing all slicers in Power BI.

Why Clear Slicers?

Clearing slicers in Power BI can be beneficial for several reasons:

  1. Resetting the View: Clearing slicer selections allows you to reset the view of your report or dashboard to its initial state, showing all data without any applied filters.

  2. Removing Errors: If you've accidentally selected slicer options that don't make sense or have caused errors in your visualizations, clearing the slicers can help resolve these issues.

  3. Quick Exploration: When you want to explore your data without any specific filters, clearing slicers is a convenient way to get an unfiltered view.

Now, let's dive into the steps to clear all slicers in Power BI:

Step 1: Open Your Power BI Report

To get started, open the Power BI report or dashboard where you want to clear the slicers. Ensure that you have the report open in edit mode if you're making changes to the report itself.

Step 2: Locate the Slicer Visuals

Identify the slicer visuals in your report. Slicers typically appear as dropdown lists, list boxes, or other interactive controls that allow users to filter data. These slicer visuals will have selections made if you want to clear them.

Step 3: Clear All Slicers

There are a couple of methods to clear all slicers in Power BI:

Method 1: Using the "Clear Selection" Button

Many slicer visuals in Power BI include a "Clear Selection" button, usually represented by a small "x" or a "Clear" label. Clicking on this button will clear the selections in that particular slicer visual.

Method 2: Using the "Clear All" Button

To clear all slicer selections in your report at once, you can use the "Clear All" button. Follow these steps:

  • In the Power BI Desktop, go to the "Visualizations" pane on the right side of the screen.
  • Find the "Clear All" icon, which looks like a small broom or brush.
  • Click on the "Clear All" icon. This will clear all slicer selections in your report, returning it to its unfiltered state.

Step 4: Save Your Report

After clearing the slicers, it's a good practice to save your report to ensure that your changes are preserved. Click the "File" menu and select "Save" or "Save As" to save your updated report.


Clearing slicers in Power BI is a straightforward process that allows you to reset your report to its original state or remove any unintended filters.

Whether you need to start fresh, troubleshoot errors, or simply explore your data without any specific filters, knowing how to clear all slicers is a valuable skill for Power BI users.

By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily clear all slicer selections and continue your data analysis with a clean slate.


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