
Merge Columns From Two Tables in Power BI: Fast Way To Get It Done

how-to Oct 11, 2023
Merge Columns From Two Tables in Power BI

We've all been there.

Two tables, each holding a piece of the puzzle, but not quite telling the complete story on their own.

It's like having peanut butter in one jar and jelly in another – they're great separately, but magic happens when you bring them together.

Mmm lunch.

So, how do you merge columns from two tables in Power BI and unleash that magic? 

Set Sail with Power Query: Start by launching Power BI Desktop.

Before any merging action, we need to get into the backstage area, where all the data transformation happens.

Head over to "Home" on the top ribbon, and click Transform Data.

Welcome to Power Query!

Identify Your Anchor Points: Just like joining two puzzle pieces, we need matching patterns.

Identify a column in each table that will act as your anchor – typically, this is a unique identifier that both tables share.

The Grand Merge: With your anchor point ready, select one of your tables in Power Query.

Click on the "Merge Queries" option. (Home tab of the ribbon)

A window will pop up.

Here, you’ll choose the second table and the respective anchor columns from both tables.

Once set, Power BI will work its magic and combine the columns.

Fine-Tuning Your Merged Data: After the merge, you might see a new column filled with tables.

Confusing, right?

Just click on the little expand icon (it looks like two arrows) in the column header.

This lets you cherry-pick the columns you want to bring into your main table.

Celebration Time: Apply the changes, and there you have it – two tables harmoniously merged into one!

To Wrap It Up: Merging columns in Power BI is more than just a technical task; it’s about weaving separate data strands together.

With this new skill, you're not just analyzing data; you're crafting a narrative.

So, the next time your data feels fragmented, remember: merging is your bridge to clarity. 

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