
Why Is Power BI Not Working? Tips To Conquer the Top 10 Annoying Problems

how-to Sep 13, 2023
Why Is Power BI Not Working?

How many times have you asked yourself the question, Why Is Power BI Not Working? It can be so frustrating when you’ve worked hard on a data model, your mind is twisted in knots, and something isn’t working.

Been there.

I wanted to put together a comprehensive troubleshooting guide for when you’re screaming about it. I'm not going cover every single problem you might face, but I'll cover a lot of the top problems and how to approach solutions.


Table of Contents


1. Data Source Connection Issues

2. Data Model Problems

3. Refresh Failures

4. Performance Problems

5. Visualizations Not Displaying Data

6. Custom DAX Errors

7. Data Size Limitations

8. Cross-Filtering and Slicing Issues

9. Security and Permissions

10. Unsupported Data Sources or Formats

11. Conclusion and Pep Talk


PROBLEM: Data Source Connection Issues


Incorrect Connection Details

One of the most common reasons for Power BI not working as expected is providing incorrect connection details to your data source. This includes things like server names, database names, URLs, and authentication credentials. Double-check that these details are accurate.


Authentication Problems

Ensure that you have the correct authentication method selected for your data source. This could be Windows, Basic, OAuth, or another method depending on your data source type. Also, check if your credentials have expired or require periodic renewal.


Firewall and Security Setting

If your data source is hosted on-premises, firewall settings may block Power BI's access. You need to configure your firewall to allow Power BI service IP addresses or set up a gateway to bridge the on-premises data with Power BI.


Data Source Availability

Ensure that your data source is online and accessible. If it's temporarily down or experiencing connectivity issues, this can lead to data import or refresh failures.


Data Source Permissions

Verify that you have the necessary permissions to access the data source. In some cases, data source owners may restrict access, and you need to coordinate with them to grant access.



Large or complex data queries might exceed connection timeout limits. Adjust the timeout settings appropriately to accommodate longer queries.


SSL/TLS Configuration

If you're connecting to a secure data source (e.g., HTTPS), ensure that your SSL/TLS certificates are up-to-date and correctly configured.


Data Source Changes

If there have been changes in the data source, such as schema modifications or server migrations, update your Power BI connection accordingly.


Gateway Issues

If you're using an on-premises data gateway, ensure that it's running and configured correctly. Check for any errors or warnings in the gateway management console.


Proxy Server

If your organization uses a proxy server for internet access, ensure that Power BI is configured to work with it. Proxy settings can affect data retrieval.


To address data source connection issues in Power BI, start by carefully reviewing your data source connection details, authentication settings, and permissions. If everything seems correct, you can use Power BI's built-in diagnostic tools to test your connection and identify specific issues. Additionally, consulting with your IT department or data source administrators can be helpful in resolving complex connectivity problems.


PROBLEM: Data Model Problems


Data Model Structure

A well-structured data model is crucial for accurate reporting in Power BI. Ensure that your data model is designed logically, with proper tables, relationships, and keys. Inappropriate data modeling can lead to incorrect results and inefficient queries.



Double-check that relationships between tables are correctly defined. Incorrect relationships can result in data not showing up or aggregating incorrectly in visuals.


Data Cleansing

Raw data often requires cleaning and transformation. Data cleansing steps, like handling missing values, duplicates, and outliers, should be performed before loading data into Power BI or addressed with Power Query.


Data Types

Verify that data types of columns in your data model are correctly set. Incorrect data types can cause unexpected behavior, such as incorrect sorting or aggregation.


Calculated Columns and Measures

Review any calculated columns and DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) measures you've created. Ensure they are calculating the correct results. Incorrect DAX formulas can lead to inaccurate reports.


Data Volume

Large datasets can slow down report performance. Consider summarizing or aggregating data where possible to optimize query and visualization performance.


Data Transformation

Understand how your data transformation steps impact the data model. Complex transformations, if not optimized, can lead to slow refresh times.


Model Size

Be aware of the size of your data model. Power BI has limitations based on your subscription plan. If your data model exceeds these limits, you may encounter issues with refresh and publishing.



Consider using data partitioning to improve refresh performance for large datasets. Partitioning allows you to refresh only the necessary portions of your data.



If your data includes hierarchical information, create proper hierarchies in your data model. Hierarchies are useful for drill-down and navigation in visuals.


Testing and Validation

Rigorously test your data model to ensure that it returns the expected results. Use sample data, create test cases, and verify the accuracy of your reports.


Addressing data model problems in Power BI often requires careful planning and design. Regularly review and maintain your data model to ensure that it remains accurate, efficient, and aligned with your reporting requirements.


PROBLEM: Refresh Failures


Check if data refresh is failing. Review the refresh settings and credentials. Sometimes, data source changes or credential expiration can cause refresh issues.


Data Source Changes

Data source changes can often lead to refresh failures. If the schema of your data source has been modified, new tables added, or existing tables altered, it may break the refresh process. You should update your Power BI data source connection accordingly.


Credential Expiration

Credentials used to connect to your data source may expire. This is especially common with services that use OAuth authentication. When your credentials expire, the refresh process will fail. Update and validate your credentials in the data source settings.


Token or API Limits

Some data sources, especially those involving APIs, may have rate limits or token expiration policies. Ensure that your Power BI reports adhere to these limitations to prevent refresh failures.


Data Source Unavailability

If your data source becomes temporarily unavailable or experiences downtime, it can disrupt the refresh process. Monitor the status of your data sources and plan for potential outages.


Scheduled Refresh Configuration

If you have scheduled refreshes, confirm that the schedule is correctly set up. Review the frequency and time settings to ensure they align with your data source's update schedule.


Gateway Issues

If you're using an on-premises data gateway to connect to local data sources, issues with the gateway service can cause refresh failures. Check the gateway status and logs for errors.


Data Source Permissions

Ensure that the user or service account used for data refresh has the necessary permissions to access the data source. If these permissions change, update them in Power BI.


Data Volume

Large datasets may take a significant amount of time to refresh. If the refresh process takes too long, it could time out or fail. Consider optimizing your data model, partitioning data, or using incremental refresh to improve performance.


Query Folding

Query folding is the process of pushing data transformation tasks back to the data source for better performance. Ensure that query folding is enabled for your data source where applicable.


Custom Connectors

If you're using custom connectors or advanced Power Query transformations, ensure that they are robust and not causing errors during refresh. Custom connectors may require additional testing and validation.


Logging and Monitoring

Set up logging and monitoring for refresh activities. Power BI offers tools for monitoring refresh status and errors, which can help you quickly identify and address issues.


Retry Policies

Configure retry policies for refresh operations. Sometimes, transient issues can be resolved by retrying the refresh after a brief delay.


To address refresh failures in Power BI, it's essential to regularly monitor and maintain your data sources and data models. Keeping an eye on data source changes, credential expiration, and potential issues with scheduled refreshes will help ensure that your reports remain up to date and reliable.



PROBLEM: Performance Problems

Optimize your Power BI model for performance. Avoid using excessive visuals, large datasets, or complex calculations that slow down report rendering.


Visual Complexity

Having too many visuals on a report page or dashboard can lead to performance issues. Each visual consumes resources, and an abundance of visuals can slow down report rendering, especially on less powerful devices.


Data Volume

Large datasets with millions of rows can result in slower report performance. When working with big data, consider summarizing or aggregating data where possible to reduce the amount of data being processed.


DAX Calculations

Complex DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) calculations can be resource-intensive. Be mindful of the complexity of your measures and calculated columns. Simplify or optimize DAX expressions when necessary.


Model Size

The size of your data model can affect performance. Power BI has size limitations based on your subscription plan. If your data model approaches or exceeds these limits, it can slow down refresh, publishing, and report interaction.


Visual-Level Filters

Applying filters at the visual level rather than the page or report level can lead to slower performance. This is because each visual needs to independently process the filter, which can be resource-intensive.


Unused Columns and Tables

Removing unused columns and tables from your data model can improve performance. Unused data still consumes memory and processing power during queries and rendering.


DirectQuery Mode

If you're using DirectQuery mode, be aware that it can have slower query performance compared to Import mode, especially for complex queries. Optimize your data source and query design to mitigate this.


Data Load Settings

When using Import mode, consider how you load data into your data model. Loading all data at once might not be necessary. Use filters or slicers to load only the relevant data, improving both performance and usability.


Visual Best Practices

Follow best practices for creating visuals. Use the appropriate visual type for your data, limit the use of custom visuals, and avoid overloading visuals with data points.


Page Size and Layout

Keep report pages clean and organized. Consider breaking up complex reports into multiple pages to improve performance. Avoid excessive use of background images or high-resolution graphics.


Network and Hardware

Slow network connections or underpowered hardware can impact report performance. Ensure that your network is stable and that your device meets the recommended system requirements for Power BI.


Scheduled Refresh Optimization

Optimize your scheduled refresh timings. Schedule data refresh during off-peak hours to avoid congestion on the Power BI service and data source servers.



Ensure that your data source is properly indexed for optimal query performance. In some cases, database indexing can significantly improve query response times.


Query Folding

Maximize query folding, where possible, to push data transformation tasks back to the data source. This can reduce the amount of data transferred and processed by Power BI.


Performance Analyzer

Utilize the Performance Analyzer tool in Power BI Desktop to identify performance bottlenecks in your report. It provides insights into query and rendering times for each visual.


Addressing performance problems in Power BI involves a combination of design choices, data modeling, and query optimization. Regularly assess and fine-tune your reports to ensure they deliver the best possible user experience while efficiently using system resources. Keep in mind that performance optimization is an iterative process that may require adjustments over time as your data and reporting needs evolve.


PROBLEM: Visualizations Not Displaying Data


Sometimes, you may encounter situations where the visualizations in your Power BI report appear empty or are not displaying any data. This issue can be frustrating for report creators and viewers because it hinders the ability to derive insights from the data.


Incorrect Fields or Measures

One common reason for empty visualizations is that they are not configured to use the correct fields or measures. It's possible that you accidentally selected the wrong data elements for the visualization.


Filtering or Slicing

Filters and slicers in your report can affect what data is displayed in a visualization. If filters or slicers are set in a way that excludes all data, it can lead to empty visuals.


No Data Matching Criteria

If the data in your dataset doesn't match the criteria specified in the visual, it can result in empty visuals. For example, if you're filtering for a specific date range, but there's no data within that range, the visualization will be empty.


Data Validation

Confirm that there is data in your dataset that matches the criteria you've set for the visualizations. If you're using filters or parameters, verify that they align with the available data in your dataset.


Check for Data Errors

Review your dataset for any data errors or anomalies that might be causing the issue. Sometimes, missing or inconsistent data can lead to empty visuals.


Visual-Level Filters

Be aware of any visual-level filters that may be applied directly to the visual. These filters can affect the data displayed within the visual itself, so ensure they are configured correctly.


Data Exploration

Use the Power BI data exploration features like the "Data" view to inspect your data and see if it matches your expectations. This can help you identify any discrepancies or issues with the data itself.


Addressing the problem of visualizations not displaying data often involves a careful review of the data fields, filters, and measures used in your report. By systematically checking these elements and adjusting them as needed, you can ensure that your visuals accurately represent the insights within your dataset, providing a more meaningful and effective reporting experience.


PROBLEM: Custom DAX Errors


DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) is a powerful language used in Power BI for creating custom calculations and measures. However, creating custom DAX formulas can sometimes lead to errors, resulting in unexpected results or broken reports.


Syntax Errors

Syntax errors are among the most common issues in DAX. These occur when you have incorrect punctuation, missing or mismatched parentheses, or invalid operators in your DAX formulas.


Logical Errors

Logical errors occur when your DAX formula doesn't produce the intended results due to incorrect logic or formula structure. These errors might not result in immediate errors but can lead to misleading or incorrect data.


Circular Dependencies

Circular dependencies occur when a DAX calculation depends on itself directly or indirectly. These dependencies can cause an endless loop and lead to performance issues or incorrect results.


Incorrect Aggregations

Using the wrong aggregation functions in your DAX formulas can lead to errors. For example, attempting to average a field that should be summed can result in incorrect results.


Syntax Review

Start by carefully reviewing the syntax of your DAX formulas. Look for typos, missing commas, unmatched parentheses, or other common syntax errors. Tools like the DAX formula editor in Power BI Desktop can help highlight syntax issues.


Logical Validation

Verify the logic of your DAX formulas. Ensure that your calculations are structured correctly to produce the desired results. Double-check your logic and the order of operations within your formulas.


Error Messages

Pay attention to any error messages or warnings provided by Power BI when you encounter DAX errors. These messages can often pinpoint the issue and guide you toward a solution.


Testing and Debugging

Use the built-in DAX editor and evaluation tools in Power BI Desktop to test and debug your DAX measures. You can step through your DAX formulas and see the intermediate results to identify where errors are occurring.



Maintain documentation for your DAX measures and calculated columns. Describe the purpose of each measure, its inputs, and expected outputs. Documentation can help you and your team understand and troubleshoot DAX calculations.


Review Dependencies

If you suspect circular dependencies, review the dependencies of your DAX calculations. Ensure that measures do not directly or indirectly depend on themselves. Redesign your calculations if necessary to break any circular references.


Aggregate Functions

Double-check that you are using the appropriate aggregation functions in your DAX formulas. Ensure that you're aggregating data in a way that aligns with your reporting requirements.


Validation in Stages

When building complex DAX measures, consider validating your calculations in stages. Create intermediate measures to validate the correctness of subcomponents before combining them into more complex measures.


Addressing custom DAX errors requires a combination of attention to detail, testing, and debugging. DAX can be both powerful and complex, so it's essential to invest time in understanding its intricacies and validating your calculations thoroughly. By addressing DAX errors systematically, you can ensure that your Power BI reports provide accurate and meaningful insights from your data.



PROBLEM: Data Size Limitations


Keep in mind that Power BI has data size limitations for certain editions (e.g., Power BI Pro). Consider upgrading to a premium plan if your data exceeds these limits.


Data Import

Power BI allows you to import data into your reports. With data import, the data is loaded into the Power BI file itself, and there are size limitations based on your Power BI subscription plan. To address limitations, consider optimizing your data model by removing unnecessary columns, aggregating data, or applying data reduction techniques.



DirectQuery mode connects Power BI directly to your data source, and it doesn't have the same size limitations as data import. However, be aware that complex queries in DirectQuery mode can still affect performance. Optimize your data source, use query folding, and avoid resource-intensive queries.


Live Connection

With a live connection, your Power BI report connects to a dataset published to Power BI Service or Power BI Dataflows. There are no data size limitations in this case. However, this approach might not be suitable for all scenarios and data sources.


Summarize Data

If you're dealing with large datasets, consider summarizing or aggregating the data. Create summary tables or calculated columns that consolidate data for reporting purposes. This reduces the volume of data and improves query performance.


Use Incremental Refresh

Power BI Premium allows you to use incremental refresh, where you only refresh the most recent data, not the entire dataset. This is particularly helpful for large datasets that don't change frequently.


Enable Data Compression

Power BI automatically compresses data to reduce file size. Ensure that data compression is enabled to optimize file size. However, be cautious with highly compressed data, as it might impact query performance.


Column Data Types

Choose appropriate column data types. Using smaller data types (e.g., integers instead of decimals) reduces storage requirements.


Remove Unused Data

Eliminate unused tables, columns, or calculated columns from your data model. This reduces the overall size of your Power BI file.


Disable Auto-Detect Relationships

If your model has many tables, consider disabling the "Auto-detect new relationships" feature. Manually managing relationships can reduce complexity and file size.


Optimize Data Transformation

In Power Query, optimize data transformation steps. Remove unnecessary steps and apply filters early in the transformation process to reduce data volume.


Query Folding

Maximize query folding, where possible, to push data transformation tasks back to the data source. This reduces the amount of data brought into Power BI.


Archiving Old Data

Implement data archiving and retention policies. Archive or remove old data that is no longer needed for reporting to keep your dataset manageable.


Addressing data size limitations in Power BI requires a combination of data modeling skills, query optimization, and understanding the capabilities of your Power BI subscription plan. By implementing these strategies and best practices, you can work within the constraints of your plan while still delivering effective and high-performance reports.



PROBLEM: Cross-Filtering and Slicing Issues


Cross-filtering and slicing are fundamental concepts in Power BI that allow you to filter and focus on specific data within your visuals. However, when not configured correctly, they can lead to unexpected results or confusion in your reports.


Incorrect Filter Context

One common issue is the misalignment of the filter context with the visual or calculation you're working with. If the filter context isn't set correctly, it can lead to visuals displaying inaccurate data or failing to respond as expected to slicers and filters.


Overlapping Filters

Overlapping filters can occur when multiple slicers or visuals apply filters simultaneously, potentially leading to conflicting or unexpected results. It's crucial to understand how different filters interact with each other.


Inconsistent Hierarchies

If your data includes hierarchical information (e.g., date hierarchies), issues can arise if you don't configure them consistently across your visuals and slicers. This can result in inconsistent filtering behavior.


Complex Interactions

In reports with many visuals and complex interactivity, it's possible to encounter issues where slicers or cross-filtering affect unintended visuals or calculations. Managing these interactions is essential for maintaining the integrity of your report.


Review Filter Context

Always start by reviewing the filter context of your visuals and calculations. Understand which fields and measures are contributing to the filter context. You can use the "Filter Pane" and "Fields" pane in Power BI Desktop to visualize and manage filter context.


Use Filters and Slicers Purposefully

Be intentional when using filters and slicers. Clearly define the purpose of each slicer or filter and consider how they interact with other visuals. Avoid applying unnecessary filters that might conflict with each other.


Clear Filters

Ensure that you provide options to clear slicer selections or reset filters when necessary. This gives users the ability to start with a clean filter context.


Document Hierarchies

If your data includes hierarchies, document how they should be used consistently across your report. Ensure that visuals and slicers align with the expected hierarchy structure.


Manage Interactions

Use the "Edit Interactions" feature in Power BI to control how visuals interact with each other. You can define how a visual responds to filters and slicers from other visuals to avoid unintended consequences.


Testing and Validation

Thoroughly test your report's interactivity and filter behavior. Create test cases that cover various scenarios to ensure that slicers and cross-filtering work as intended. Validation is crucial, especially in complex reports.


Addressing cross-filtering and slicing issues requires a deep understanding of filter context and careful planning of how slicers and visuals interact in your report. By following best practices, documenting hierarchies, and testing thoroughly, you can create reports that provide meaningful insights while maintaining the accuracy and consistency of your data presentation.


PROBLEM: Security and Permissions


Security and permissions play a critical role in controlling access to Power BI reports and underlying data. Failure to configure these settings correctly can lead to data breaches, unauthorized access, or issues with report sharing and collaboration.


Insufficient Permissions

Users may encounter errors or restrictions when trying to access reports or datasets if they don't have the necessary permissions. This can prevent them from viewing or interacting with the content.


Data Leakage

Without proper security measures, users might unintentionally access data they shouldn't see. This could happen through shared reports, direct query access, or other means.


Role-Level Security Misconfiguration

Power BI provides role-level security (RLS) to restrict data access based on user roles. Misconfiguring RLS can lead to data being hidden from users who should have access or, conversely, exposed to unauthorized users.


External Sharing

Sharing reports externally, such as with clients or partners, requires careful management to ensure that only intended individuals or groups can access the content.


Permissions Review

Regularly review and validate the permissions assigned to users and groups. Ensure that users have the appropriate access to reports and datasets. Assign roles and permissions based on their job responsibilities.


Role-Level Security (RLS)

If you're using RLS, double-check that it is configured correctly. Define roles, filters, and rules accurately to enforce data security at a granular level. Test RLS thoroughly to ensure it hides or reveals data as intended.


Data Classification

Classify your data based on sensitivity levels. Power BI supports data classification, allowing you to label data as sensitive. Apply appropriate encryption, masking, or access controls to sensitive data to prevent unauthorized access.


External Sharing Policies

If you need to share reports externally, define clear policies for external sharing. Use features like "Publish to Web" for public sharing or share reports securely via Power BI service, ensuring that only authorized external users can access the content.


User Training

Educate users on data security best practices and guidelines for sharing and accessing reports. Ensure that they understand their roles and responsibilities in maintaining data security.


Monitoring and Auditing

Implement monitoring and auditing mechanisms to track user activity, access patterns, and security breaches. Power BI offers auditing capabilities that can help you identify any unauthorized access or data leaks.


Regular Access Reviews

Conduct regular access reviews to ensure that users still require the access they have. Remove access for users who no longer need it to reduce the risk of unauthorized access.


Data Encryption

Ensure that data at rest and in transit is appropriately encrypted. Power BI provides encryption options for data protection, and your organization's data security policies should align with these options.


Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Encourage or mandate the use of multi-factor authentication for users accessing Power BI. MFA adds an extra layer of security by requiring additional authentication steps beyond a password.


Addressing security and permissions issues in Power BI is crucial for maintaining the confidentiality and integrity of your data. By implementing robust security practices, regularly reviewing permissions, and educating users, you can reduce the risk of data breaches and ensure that data is accessible only to authorized individuals or groups.



PROBLEM: Unsupported Data Sources or Formats


Make sure your data source is supported by Power BI. Check if custom connectors or transformations are causing compatibility issues.

 Data Source Verification

Confirm that your data source aligns with Power BI's compatibility requirements. Check if your data source is on the list of supported connectors and formats. Power BI typically supports a wide array of sources, including databases, spreadsheets, cloud services, and more. If your source is not on the list, it might be a compatibility issue.

Custom Connectors

You might be using a custom connector or transformation script to access or shape your data. While these can enhance your data modeling capabilities, they can also introduce compatibility complications. If you suspect your custom connector is the culprit, examine its documentation and ensure it's maintained and up-to-date. Compatibility gaps can emerge when custom connectors aren't fully aligned with your Power BI version.

Transformation Problems

Data transformations are crucial for getting your data into the right shape for analysis. However, custom or complex transformations may lead to unexpected behavior. If you've applied intricate transformations using Power Query or custom M scripts, review them carefully. Test your transformations rigorously to ensure they don't exceed Power BI's compatibility boundaries.

Data Format Alignment

Sometimes, data format misalignment can be a source of compatibility woes. Data types and structures should match Power BI's expectations. Ensure that your data adheres to Power BI's recommended formats and that any necessary transformations are executed correctly to achieve this alignment.

Refresh Check

Compatibility issues can emerge during the data refresh process. Investigate whether your data source can be reliably refreshed within Power BI. Factors like data source availability, query performance, and rate limits imposed by the data source can impact the refresh process. Monitoring and logging during refresh operations can help identify and troubleshoot compatibility-related errors effectively.


Testing and Validation

To confirm whether compatibility issues are affecting your data model, perform thorough testing and validation. Create test cases that mimic the problematic scenarios you've encountered. By systematically evaluating your data source, transformations, and refresh processes, you can pinpoint compatibility-related problems.

Version Check

Ensure that your Power BI software is up-to-date. Sometimes, compatibility issues are resolved in newer versions. Updating your Power BI desktop application might resolve your problems.


Compatibility challenges can be complex, but with patience, thorough investigation, and the right resources, you can overcome them. 


Conclusion and Pep Talk

In moments of frustration when Power BI seems to defy your efforts, remember that perseverance is your greatest asset. When faced with challenges, take a step back, go for a short break, and return with renewed determination. Giving up is never the solution; instead, keep pushing forward.

With this comprehensive troubleshooting guide at your side, hopefully you'll be able to avoid asking Why isn't Power BI working? too frequently. With this guide, you have a powerful resource to tackle a lot of the issues that arise. Embrace the journey of problem-solving, and with time and dedication, you'll master the art of making Power BI work seamlessly for you. Your commitment to overcoming obstacles will ultimately lead to more insightful, impactful reports. Keep going—you've got this!

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